September 30th, 2007, 12-24h
Dear guests, visitors, spectators, (order of appearance can be changed)
we invite you/look forward to welcoming you to the conference/ parade/ presentation of the publication/guided tour: DAY OF THE ACTIVIST, on Sunday, September 30th, 2007 from 12pm until 12am on occasion of the exhibition:
THE FUTUROLOGICAL CONGRESS in the Aktivist in Eisenhüttenstadt.
With 27 participants and 36 performances this constitutes program of different gestures and actions, including dance, applause and music by The Dirty Tones.
Karl-Marx-Str. 54
15890 Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany
A lexander Fromm
A lexander Schmitt
A lice Muench
B arbara Eitel
B eatrice Jugert
B en Kaden
B irgit Schlieps
C arola Bark
C aroline Meyer-Picard
C hristiane Büchner
E lla Klaschka
G abriele Nagel
J udith Kacheter
Jutta Eberhard
K ei Takemura
M aix Mayer
P eter K. Koch
R icarda Mieth
S abine Fassl
S ven Johne
T he Dirty Tones
T homas Neumann
T hyra Schmidt